HOLOGLYPHS II – Afterlight

S. K. Yeatts’ second volume of poetry is a follow-up to his acclaimed debut book: “HOLOGLYPHS – Twilight Fields.” This new collection of 130 poems expands a wide spectrum of poetic traditions from T. S. Eliot’s introspection to an evolution of the Imagists’ credo of the ‘Luminous Detail’ and features new poetic koans channeling venerated Zen classics (e.g., the Mumonkan <Gateless Gate> and Hekiganroku <Blue Cliff Record>).

Yeatts’ new volume of work continues his meditations on time, memory, and the nature of reality – presenting images entangled with what the Japanese call ‘Yugen’ – 幽玄 (mystery in beauty). In similar fashion to his first book, these new selections have drawn comparisons to the work of James Wright, Wallace Stevens, and Robert Bly, and include a long-form piece (“Three Trios”) that brings the ethos of T. S. Eliot’s ‘Four Quartets’ into the Quantum age. This collection recently won the 2023 ‘Next Generation Indie Book Award’ for Poetry as well as being selected as both the 2024 Independant Press and the Big New York City Book Award’s “Distinguished Favorite”.



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